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Email: recreation@amrshire.wa.gov.au
Phone: 08 9780 5620
PO Box 61 Margaret River WA 6285
ABN: 13 643 296 019
51 Wallcliffe Road
Margaret River WA 6285
Civic Park
66 Allnut Terrace (behind Shire offices)
Augusta WA 6290
Margaret River Recreation Centre
Monday to Thursday 5:30am – 8:30pm*
Friday 5:30 am – 7pm
Rec Connect * 7.30pm-9.30pm School terms
Saturday 8am – 4pm
Sunday 8am – 2pm
* Pool closes at 8pm: All services closed public holidays unless otherwise stated.
*Last entry to Aquatic centre 30 mins prior to closure
Augusta Recreation Centre
Monday to Sunday 5am - 9pm