After School Care

We offer a fully supervised and licensed After School Care service during the school term for children Kindergarten to Year 6 students . Children can participate in a range of fun activities at the Margaret River Recreation Centre OSHC  including crafts, games, sports, cooking, swimming and visits to the library and parks

Our qualified staff can collect your children from local schools in the area for our After School Care Program. This program provides afternoon tea everyday and is followed by arts, crafts, a range of sporting activities and learning games designed to develop their skills. We also have use of a playground, basketball courts and can take your children to swimming lessons, dance classes, coaching or anything else they may be enrolled in within the centre.

Our After School Care service operates from 3.00pm until 5.30pm. Bookings are essential to guarantee your child an enrolment and places are limited.

Joining After School Care costs from $40 per child per day for permanent booking and $44 per child per day for casual booking. Child Care Subsidy may apply.

The Margaret River Recreation Centre also operates a Before School Care service. Click here for more information.

For enquiries or enrolments contact the Kids Club on 9780 5624 or 0407 244 024.