Group Fitness

Give your whole body a workout while having fun and meeting new friends. Run by qualified instructors, our classes are suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

Book your class here

Group Fitness Timetable

Group Fitness Timetable

View the latest group fitness timetable here 

View the Christmas Holiday season timetable here

How to join

View our membership options here

Class Descriptions


A whole body conditioning class based in the gym incorporating equipment for muscle strengthening, endurance and cardio.

Energise 45 Circuit

For all fitness levels from beginners to advanced. You’ll get a full body workout, leaving you feeling strong and energised.

Indoor Bootcamp

This 45-minute session is perfect for the time poor. A solid workout with maximum results in minimal time. Prepare to run, jump and move your body in ways you never thought possible.

Les Mills Bodybalance™

Bend and stretch through a series of simple yoga moves, elements of Tai Chi and Pilates. Breathing control is a part of all the exercises. 45min virtual class.

Les Mills Bodycombat™

Punch and kick your way to fitness, this high-energy martial-arts inspired workout is totally non-contact and there are no complex moves to master. A solid workout for maximum results. Prepare to run, jump and move your body. 45min virtual.

Les Mills Bodypump™

A full body barbell workout that will burn calories, shape and tone, increase core strength and improve bone health. You’ll leave feeling challenged and motivated. Instructor and virtual options. 

Les Mills Core™

Build strength, stability and endurance in the muscles that support your core. It’s challenging but achievable whatever your level of fitness. You will work with resistance tubes and weight plates, as well as bodyweight exercises like crunches, and hovers. Plus there are some hip, butt and lower back exercises too. 30min virtual.


Virtual class (Tuesday's instructor led). 30-min high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout to improve strength, cardiovascular fitness and lean muscle. Uses barbells, weight plates and bodyweight exercises to blast all muscle groups.

Les Mills RPM™

A fun, low impact group indoor cycling workout. With great music pumping and the group riding as one, you’ll go on a journey of hill climbs, sprints and flat riding. Live and virtual options.

Les Mills SH’BAM™

A fun-loving, insanely addictive dance workout. this class an ego-free zone – no dance experience required. All you need is a playful attitude and a cheeky smile – even if you walk in thinking you can’t, you’ll walk out knowing you can! 45min virtual.


A high-intensity workout including a series of body-weight exercises with interval style training, designed to keep your body burning calories after your training session is complete.


A metabolic resistance workout combining bodyweight and weighted compound exercises with little rest to maximise calorie burn and increase the metabolic rate during and after the workout.

Outdoor Functional

All things functional while being outdoors and enjoying the fresh air. A circuit based workout involving free weights, bodyweight exercises and a new program week by week.


A mind and body workout developing core strength, muscle toning, flexibility and breath work.

Power Strength

A 45min free weights resistance circuit that will focus on improving your lifting technique. This is a fresh and innovative class that will use progressive overload techniques to improve your overall strength. We will work with different timings and tempos and of course great tunes!


A fun-filled class to step up and down to the beat of great music. Keep it simple or add your own flare to the choreography - there are lots of options available. A class to tone the whole body, giving your ‘step’ an extra bounce for the rest of the day


Sweat it out as you jump, bend, twist and turn to a combination pf your old favourite tunes and all the latest fitness beats. This class will improve you strength and stamina and release those feel good endorphins!

Teen: Fitter, Faster, Stronger

Designed to improve strength, agility, balance and speed. A 6-week program during school term for 12-16 year olds.

Teen Gym

A great way to begin lifelong fitness habits. Our fabulous staff will personally tailor a program to suit your needs and assist you to achieve your goals.

Thump Boxing™

Boxing drills and combinations paired with cardio and strength exercises provide a whole body workout. Get ready to punch, kick and knee your way to a stronger, fitter you.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a slow-paced form of yoga focused on passive floor poses for circulation and flexibility.


This class explores breath control, body symmetry and relaxation while improving balance, coordination and posture.


A brilliant blend of gentle yoga stretches with the corebuilding strength of Pilates.

Senior Fit Club

Senior Fit Club

A social network within our fitness program. A low impact workout focusing on strength and balance. Mingle afterwards for a cuppa and a chat.

Chair & Band

A fun, full body workout using a chair, resistance bands and light hand weights. Lots of options to help with stability, mobility or to add an extra challenge.


 A gym circuit for the more mature adult emphasising strength, balance and flexibility.

Strength for Life™

A gym-based time slot for older, active adults endorsed by COTA for progressive strength training. A medical clearance and appraisal appointment is required prior to starting. 

Augusta Fitness

Supervised Rehab

A low intensity session in the Hydro Pool with individualised programs for people needing rehabilitation. Perfect for pre-surgery and post-surgery recovery. Available on Tuesday and Thursday mornings by appointment. Phone 9780 5620 for more information.